Surface water is one of the most influenced ecosystems on earth, and its alterations have led to extensive ecological degradation such as a decline in water quality and availability, intense flooding, loss of species, and changes in the distribution and structure of the aquatic biota thus, making surface watercourses not sustainable in providing goods and services.

Each aquatic ecosystem has the natural tendency to adapt and compensate for changes in water quality parameters through dilution and biodegradation of some organic compounds. But when this natural buffering capacity of the aquatic ecosystem is exceeded due to the introduction of various classes of contaminants from point and nonpoint sources on a continuous basis, water pollution sets in.

For years, there has been a “waste tsunami” on the horizon, threatening our growing population whilst we turn a blind eye towards this major issue. A real concern is that we won’t even be able to pay for the problem to go away, as we simply do not have enough waste treatment facilities to accommodate the ever-growing “wave of waste”.

I’ve noticed that there is like-mindedness amongst environmentalists who work in our rivers regularly, we agree that our rivers/streams are littered to some extent (some to irreparable states). This is very concerning considering that we depend on these polluted waters.

The first step to recovery is recognition and admission of the problem at hand. We, as a society, need to admit that we have become complacent with the state of waste management and disposal in our country. We seriously need to look at adding to our current waste management infrastructure which will ultimately help us manage our country’s waste in a sustainable way.

For any water-use related services or advice please get in touch with us at #water #environment #sustainability #biosphereenvirosolutions #firststeptorecovery